Anti - Sexual Harassment Policy
🚨 In AIESEC, one of our values is demonstrating integrity. We, the Conference Committee and MC Egypt, try to live up to these values at all times and expect you to do the same. To avoid unwanted situations in this conference, we kindly ask you to read through the following policy, that aims to prevent sexual harassment situations during the event, and sign at the bottom to show you are aware and will not engage in these behaviors.
🚨Sexual Harassment is any conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal or physical, with the purpose of infringing or that infringes on the dignity of a person, particularly when it generates an intimidating, derogatory or offensive environment.
🚨Sexual harassment is distinguished from freely accepted and reciprocal advances to the extent that sexual harassment is unwanted by the person object of said advances. As an example, and without excluding or limiting other aspects, the types of conduct described below could be considered sexual harassment.
🚨 Conduct understood as sexual harassment:
• Verbal conduct is unwelcome sexual insinuations, propositions, or pressure to enter sexual intercourse, insistence to take part in social activities outside the workplace once an individual has clearly stated that the said insistence is inappropriate and unwarranted; offensive flirting; insinuating, indirect or obscene comments; unwanted telephone calls; jokes or comments on a person’s sexual appearance.
• Non-verbal conduct is exhibition of sexually suggestive or pornographic photographs, of objects or texts, indecent looks, whistles, or gestures; offensive letters or e-mail messages with sexual content.
• Physical conduct is deliberate and unwanted physical contact, unwanted hugs or kisses, excessive and unnecessary physical nearness.
🚨Two types of sexual harassment can be distinguished based on whether the above indicated behavior implies an element of coercion or not:
— “Quid pro quo” Harassment: This consists of forcing the victim to choose between accepting sexual advances or losing/seeing reduced work benefits or conditions that affect that person’s access to professional training, employment, promotion, salary or any other decision connected with these issues. As this behavior implies abuse of authority, the individual involved will have the power, whether directly or indirectly, to provide or refuse certain work benefits or situations.
— Environmental harassment: The subject involved in the harassment creates a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, derogatory, humiliating or offensive for the victim, due to unwelcome attitudes and behavior of a sexual nature. This may involve any stakeholders involved with AIESEC, including employees of the organizations that we work with, host family, etc., regardless of their position or status, or third persons with access to the organization.
Anti - Substance Abuse Policy
🚨The Conference Committee and MC Egypt are committed to protecting the safety, health, and well-being of its members and all people who are involved in its conferences, and/or use its products and services. Recognizing that drug and alcohol abuse pose a direct and significant threat to this goal, the Conference Committee and MC Egypt wants to ensure a working environment free from substance abuse for all its members. The Conference Committee and MC Egypt therefore strictly prohibits the illicit use, possession, sale, conveyance, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs, intoxicants, or controlled substances in Egypt. In addition, the Conference Committee and MC Egypt strictly prohibits the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
🚨The consumption of substances should be based on the country’s law and guidelines that will be downscaled by the CC, as well as the individual’s capacity to endure.
🚨 Any violation of this policy will result in adverse action up to and including removal from the venue and conference.